
Install Angharad

This documents describes the installation of the application Angharad and the following devices modules and services:

- Device ZWave for Benoic
- Device Taulas for Benoic
- Service Liquidsoap for Carleon
- Service MPD for Carleon
- Service Motion for Carleon


All Angharad system, its submodules and its custom libraries are written in C/C++ language, for better performance and lightweight resources consumption. GCC and Makefile were used for the development.

The following libraies are required to build Angharad and its submodules:


On Debian-based systems (Debian, Raspbian, Ubuntu), use the following comand to install the dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install -y libmicrohttpd-dev libjansson-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libmysqlclient-dev libsqlite3-dev libconfig-dev libopenzwave1.5-dev libmpdclient-dev libshout-dev

Angharad requires orcania, yder, ulfius, hoel, rhonabwy, iddawc and their dependencies.

Build from source

Then, download Angharad source code and its submodules.

git clone

CMake build

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make && sudo make install

The available options for cmake are:

Good ol’ Makefile

# Install Orcania
$ git clone
$ cd orcania/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install

# Install Yder
$ git clone
$ cd yder/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install

# Install Ulfius
$ git clone
$ cd ulfius/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install

# Install Hoel
$ git clone
$ cd hoel/src/
$ make -DWITH_PGSQL=off
$ sudo make install

# Install Rhonabwy
$ git clone
$ cd rhonabwy/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install

# Install Iddawc
$ git clone
$ cd iddawc/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install

# Install Angharad
$ cd angharad
$ make && sudo make install

Benoic modules

Benoic modules are located in the folder benoic/device-modules. If you want to adapt or change the modules for your needs, you can manually compile them.

The module named device-mock.c is a mock device that is used to test the behaviour of a module with benoic and angharad systems. A mock device doesn’t control any real hardware, but simulates the behaviour of a device. You can use it to help you write your own device module.

cd benoic/device-modules
make # For ZWave device
make # For Taulas device
make # For ESP8266 bridge device
make # For mock device
sudo make install # to install compiled devices in $PREFIX/lib/angharad/benoic directory

Carleon services

Carleon service are located in the folder carleon/service-modules/.

The service named service-mock.c is a mock service that is used to test the behaviour of a service with carleon and angharad systems. A mock service doesn’t control any real service, but simulates one. You can use it to help you write your own service.

cd carleon/service-modules/
make # For Motion service
make # For MPD service
make # For MPD service
make # For mock service
sudo make install # to install compiled devices in $PREFIX/lib/angharad/carleon directory

Database installation

Depending on your needs, you can use a sqlite3 database (single file, fast and reliable) or a MySQL Database (fast and reliable as well but also more secure).

MySQL Installation

Run the SQL script angharad.mariadb.sql file under an already existing database.

mysql < angharad.mariadb.sql

SQLite3 installation

Run the SQL script angharad.sqlite3.sql file in an existing or a new SQLite3 database file:

sqlite3 angharad.db < angharad.sqlite3.sql


The file angharad.conf.sample contains a sample file with all the configuration parameters needed, just fill the parameters with your own environment. Paths can be relatives or absolute.

Copy angharad.conf.sample into your configuration folder as angharad.conf

cp angharad.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/angharad.conf

Static file server

app_files_path is used for the static files server, in this case, Sagremor is the dedicated web application and can be hosted there.

It’s recommended to disable the static web server for better security, just comment out the property line in the configuration file. It’s better to serve the statis files via a webserver such as Apache or NGINX.


Specify the database parameters in the database {} block, depending on your database configuration (SQLite3 or MySQL).


Angharad comes with an OIDC authentication method. You can use any OIDC authentication provider, as long as it provides access tokens using the JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens method The scope required for the backend API is angharad by default.

Please note that users and profile are not linked, any authenticated user can use any profile.

Run Angharad

By default, when running, Angharad is accessible at the address http://localhost:2473/.

In the console

To run angharad, simply execute the command:

/usr/local/bin/angharad --config-file=/usr/local/etc/angharad/angharad.conf

Check the log messages in the log file, syslog or the console, depending on your configuration, then the server will be up and running when you’ll se the following log message:

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss - Angharad INFO: Start angharad on port 2473

As a service

Use the script angharad-init (SysV Init) or angharad.service (SystemD) to run Angharad as a service. Both files are designed for Raspbian distribution but can be easily modify to fit your needs.

SysV init

Copy the file angharad-init in the directory /etc/init.d as angharad, enable it on startup if needed, then start the service:

$ sudo cp angharad-init /etc/init.d/angharad
$ sudo update-rc.d angharad defaults
$ sudo service angharad start

SystemD init

Copy the file angharad.service in the directory /etc/systemd/system, enable it on startup if needed, then start the service:

$ sudo cp angharad.service /etc/systemd/system
$ sudo systemctl enable angharad
$ sudo service angharad start